Family Friendly Funny Photo Edits

i'll tell you with splitting my time between the 2 houses one in Missouri and one in Florida helping the daughter out that list never ends . I have planted 3 palms here at the Florida home not that big yet but growing , as well as a Guava tree , and lots of roses and lots of other flowers to increase the value of the property. When i get back to Missouri in a few weeks it is time to trim back all the peach trees , and a number of home projects. :laughing:

Hey, at least with honeydo projects that require digging you can have your detector ready to check occasionally to see if any deep signals pop up as you dig deeper :laughing:

you could ad a rocket like in a roadrunner cartoon and a detector as well.:laughing:

:laughing: funny idea, will need to keep that in mind also for a future edit later on :lol:
Hey, at least with honeydo projects that require digging you can have your detector ready to check occasionally to see if any deep signals pop up as you dig deeper :laughing:

:laughing: funny idea, will need to keep that in mind also for a future edit later on :lol:

you might ad the road runner as well beep beep :laughing:
Well, detectorists detect in their own yards..... so Scuba dives in his own yard !

So is this how Scuba has fun at home on his days off ? :laughing::laughing::laughing:
Too bad scubadetective isn't round here much any more, great edits!

Thanks !

.....yep, wish Scuba would at least post once a month if nothing else, though I think his diving recovery service keeps him pretty busy, Dave checks out Scuba's Facebook page occasionally to keep updated on his adventures, I look at Facebook very very occasionally but I'm not much for spending any real amount of time on Facebook.
I wonder if the horse's name is "Mr. Ed" ?

Former rodeo rider Grumpa and his pet horse he used to ride in the rodeo,
looks like the horse is laughing from remembering the times he threw Grumpa :laughing::laughing::laughing:
.....I guess you could say he's really "cleaning up" :)

Regularly finding surface finds at Sonic, Dave got a battery powered "Surface Finds Vacuum" to make it easier :laughing::laughing::laughing:
Cleaning up at Sonic

Regularly finding surface finds at Sonic, Dave got a battery powered "Surface Finds Vacuum" to make it easier :laughing::laughing::laughing:
View attachment 471686

Dang with the number of time i have taken the grand daughter to Sonic to play on their playground ( only one open in area right now )and got conned in to a purchase i probably could have several pinpointers . Only 1000 feet from our Florida home. :laughing:
Hey, us detectorists play in the dirt like kids, so why not have "show and tell" like kids at school :)

Mud is showing off his fantastic coin-popping totals for today to Grumpa and Scuba :laughing::laughing::laughing:
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Lesche has a "Mega-Digger" ?

Grumpa was determined to retrieve those deep targets - but wanted to do it as easily as possible ! :laughing::laughing::laughing:
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