The "Lost my stuff" group

So you, nor ANYONE in this group, is compensated in any way shape or form? This is PURELY a free service, with no hidden $$ anywhere. Is that correct?

I'm all for assisting but I like to DMODD and research the group before signging up.
Swinglow --

Yes... The Lost My Stuff Group is a FREE Service. All our volunteers have joined the group with the intention to use their metal detectors to help people find their lost items, never expecting or requesting any sort of compensation ($$$, gas, food, or whatever) for their help.

Now, if a person they help offers them a reward of any sort, accepting it is solely up to the individual volunteer. My opinion, (as the creator of the group), is that I'd prefer they just said "thanks, but it's not necessary" and left. If the person they helped insists (as some do) then whatever happens happens and it's up to the volunteer.

I'm glad to answer any questions you might have.


I'm in and I hope a few new here will join. I think this is a great community service we can provide!
Wow! Just saw this post. I did something similar to this on my own here in the town I live in. Went to the police department, and told them if they had anyone that reported a lost ring, or anything metal, that I have a detector, and would be glad to help at no charge. They took my name and number, and have it on hand. I also talked to the local pawn shops in case someone came in looking for their stuff in hopes that someone found it and tried to get some quick money for it. As of today, I haven't had any calls, but at least the info is out there, trying to help.

I'm going to join the volunteer group as soon as I finish this post!
I was a member for several years and tried contacting everyone who lost something in my area and two in Louisiana last January when I was there and not one person ever contacted me back. I joined Ring Finders out of Canada and receive on the average of two calls a week their service isn't free and in Lost my stuff it says you can't belong to a group who charges and belong to them as well so I canceled I'll check it out again and if I can belong to them at the same time I'll rejoin. Thanks
Swinglow --

Yes... The Lost My Stuff Group is a FREE Service. All our volunteers have joined the group with the intention to use their metal detectors to help people find their lost items, never expecting or requesting any sort of compensation ($$$, gas, food, or whatever) for their help.

Now, if a person they help offers them a reward of any sort, accepting it is solely up to the individual volunteer. My opinion, (as the creator of the group), is that I'd prefer they just said "thanks, but it's not necessary" and left. If the person they helped insists (as some do) then whatever happens happens and it's up to the volunteer.


As we state on our website, the Lost My Stuff Group is a FREE service. We don't charge a fee for our efforts, nor do we expect a reward when we're successful. If anyone who contacts you to help search for your lost item indicates they are a Lost My Stuff Group member and requests any sort of fee or reward for their efforts, or offers to rent or sell you any equipment you can use to search for your lost item yourself, or requests you to sign any sort of contract or agreement, please notify the Lost My Stuff Group ASAP by sending an email to [email protected] with as much information as possible (the person's name, email address, phone #, what was said, etc.). We will look into the situation immediately -- This should NEVER happen.

I'm glad to answer any questions you might have.



So your website sponsors dont pay you to post banners?:cool:

So your donation button on the site doesn't take donations?:cool:

Your sign up page says "If helping someone for FREE is not something you'd be inclined to do, or if you're a member of a group that asks for or charges any sort of trip fee or reward for any assistance you provide, please don't bother to join our Group."

You mention FREE 8 times on that page...

So are the donations and sponsor monies not compensation for you the owner?

If not, why a donation button and a prominent "sponsors" link at the top of the page???

I agreed to this "If helping someone for FREE is not something you'd be inclined to do, or if you're a member of a group that asks for or charges any sort of trip fee or reward for any assistance you provide, please don't bother to join our Group."

Then realized that YOU were being compensated while telling me I couldn't as a volunteer, hence I left the group:roll:

So, why sponsors and donation buttons if it's

"Just the right thing to do?"

:lol: Do you make public the records of donations and how they are SOLELY used for web maintenance. (Because i know thats going to be your excuse)

Sorry, but you contradict yourself via rules telling us what we can't do otherwise (If helping someone for FREE is not something you'd be inclined to do please don't bother to join our Group)

Seems a case of do as I say no as I do...when accepting sponsor monies and donations
Does the Friendly Forum site accept donations? Oh, only with a brightly lit topic header on the tool bar. So? Awesome. I wish I could afford to give.

I am a member of Lost My Stuff and have searched for at least 3 items. I love the concept and l love helping people. Who cares if you accept donations? More power to you. I can't imagine you are making money at this. It seems more like a labor of love.

Every person on here is finding things that are the lost property of someone else. We could all use a karma bath. We are scavengers of small denomination currency and finders of items whose loss was often accompanied by serious emotions. We hope and pray to capitalize on the losses of others every time we fire up our detectors. Who are we to judge?

It feels good to pay back with a little time and expertise to help people who are actually taking the initiative to seek out an expert to help them locate their "whatever". The searchers deserve credit for stepping up in a world where people just bury their heads and move along without helping. The citizens deserve help since they are actively looking for help. They love that item enough to fight for it. Lost My Stuff guy deserves credit for setting up and maintaining a site to make it all possible.

Welcome to the real world. People don't have unlimited resources to fund their pet projects. It's not like Lost My Stuff is charging searchers or citizens for their role in introducing the two. I seriously doubt the LMS guy is on his 3rd Hawaiian vacation this year from the donations submitted. That eHarmony dude is raking it in. He actually is capitalizing on people's desperation. Would you charge a friend to set them up on a blind date?

Lost My Stuff is just trying to help people recover their precious items. Lost My Stuff kicks ass and I support them 100%
Every person on here is finding things that are the lost property of someone else. We could all use a karma bath. We are scavengers of small denomination currency and finders of items whose loss was often accompanied by serious emotions. We hope and pray to capitalize on the losses of others every time we fire up our detectors. Who are we to judge?


Karma bath?

You do know karma works, but most fail to realize the other side of the karma coin.. Its possible some of these rings we find are karma paying us back for the good we have already done (cleaning up hazards in the water).. The person that lost it may very well have been an a-hole, deserving of their loss too.

I actually do pray to capitalize on my finds, every time I hunt, and my prey is GOLD!! GOD is good!

Member of foundyourstuffandI'mkeepingit (since you've been dead for 50 years already).com



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This really makes me proud to know that there are people out there that really want to help others in any way they can. I'm in. Just signed up and registered. Can't wait to pay it forward.

Thinking of joining and have a question.

I noticed that there are several members in my area on the member map. If I received a lost item report (as a member), would I have member information where I could call other members in my area and say, "Hey, would you like to go with me to meet these folks and talk about their missing item(s)?"

I am thinking of safety, most likely I would not have someone to accompany me to a meeting. Do members know when another member in their area responds to a find need?
Excuse me, but I have a real problem with this "Ringfinder' and "Lost Item Hunter' business..The whole 'Karma' thing really frosts my biscuit as well...

Back in the day, pre cell phone age, somebody loses a nice gold ring, tough tomales! Too damn bad! Rake your fingers through the sod and sand and hope for the best!

Now a days, all you gotta do is google up a Ringfinder with your cell phone, and they are there, Johnny on the Spot to assuage you of your carelessness! You learned nothing! Sure, the losing party may sometimes offer a small recompense, but really? As far as metal detecting goes, this is no challenge or any great feat to brag about! Any old dope with an entry level rig can find most of these fresh drops!

This feat of finding a called in fresh drop is not something to brag about or hold yourself up as an example of metal detecting prowess! You got the call, you showed up, and you found the damned thing! No great morals, skill or ethics involved either, its no different than calling a plumber to pull an apple out of your toilet! Do they get front page press and kudos from all and sundry?
...In fact, if you are a 'Ringfinder' you should be ashamed of yourself, shooting fish in a barrel so to speak...bad wants to go back into the ground, and you deprived it of doing so...and robbing us Wild Ring hunters at the same time! So BAD KARMA!

If you want to be a do-gooder, ring the bell at a Salvation Army kettle outside a Walmart! Or better yet, go pull a flushed down the crapper apple out of a diarrhectic kindergarten for your good deed for the day, write a post about it, brag even...Leave the Wild Gold hunters their just rewards, Lord knows we earned it...discuss...:lol:
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Does the Friendly Forum site accept donations? Oh, only with a brightly lit topic header on the tool bar. So? Awesome. I wish I could afford to give.


Welcome to the real world. People don't have unlimited resources to fund their pet projects. It's not like Lost My Stuff is charging searchers or citizens for their role in introducing the two. I seriously doubt the LMS guy is on his 3rd Hawaiian vacation this year from the donations submitted.


Yep, we do accept donations. It takes money to host the forum and maintain the server. Alas, the donations do not cover our salaries or matching 401K contributions, so we do without and just volunteer our time. :yes:
Excuse me, but I have a real problem with this "Ringfinder' and "Lost Item Hunter' business..The whole 'Karma' thing really frosts my biscuit as well...

Back in the day, pre cell phone age, somebody loses a nice gold ring, tough tomales! Too damn bad! Rake your fingers through the sod and sand and hope for the best!

Now a days, all you gotta do is google up a Ringfinder with your cell phone, and they are there, Johnny on the Spot to assuage you of your carelessness! You learned nothing! Sure, the losing party may sometimes offer a small recompense, but really? As far as metal detecting goes, this is no challenge or any great feat to brag about! Any old dope with an entry level rig can find most of these fresh drops!

This feat of finding a called in fresh drop is not something to brag about or hold yourself up as an example of metal detecting prowess! You got the call, you showed up, and you found the damned thing! No great morals, skill or ethics involved either, its no different than calling a plumber to pull an apple out of your toilet! Do they get front page press and kudos from all and sundry?
...In fact, if you are a 'Ringfinder' you should be ashamed of yourself, shooting fish in a barrel so to speak...bad wants to go back into the ground, and you deprived it of doing so...and robbing us Wild Ring hunters at the same time! So BAD KARMA!

If you want to be a do-gooder, ring the bell at a Salvation Army kettle outside a Walmart! Or better yet, go pull a flushed down the crapper apple out of a diarrhectic kindergarten for your good deed for the day, write a post about it, brag even...Leave the Wild Gold hunters their just rewards, Lord knows we earned it...discuss...:lol:
Metal detecting prowess?? what does that even mean? I believe it does take morals and ethics to do a good deed for someone just because you thought it was the right thing to do. As far as skill, it don't take a genius to pluck pennies from the ground either. I understand there are those who wouldn't help others but why !!!! on a guy for trying to do a good deed? Who are we to tell someone how they can do something nice? Ringing a salvation army bell or finding grandmas ring, to each their own.
Sorry about that Ron!

I just completed a 2 day hard hunt and didnt find any gold! :lol: In fact, I havnt found any all Year! I had to blame somebody, and it wasnt going to be ME!

I'll go out today and do a good deed that hopefully will bring me some Good Karma!
Carry on Gentlemen, I was just jerking your chain...most of you that know me know I return rings for free all the bloody time! The inner Pirate side of me was in high form last night! :laughing:
Right back at ya mud, I shouldn't have jumped on you like that, Usually if I have nothing nice to say I keep quiet, I will keep my posts of a more friendly nature in the future
We are good Ron!
It is an interesting subject though when a guy thinks about it...a really valuable lost ring is not lost for long...on the beaches I hunt up here, within a half an hour anybody who swings a coil knows about a reported loss...interesting change in technology of course, valuable losses quickly recovered...

A few years back I was out super early, still semi dark out, hunting the riffle, when I noticed an area on the beach with fresh hand tracks dragging a huge circle through the sand..and a stick stuck up to mark the location....said to myself, 'somebody lost their keys or a ring right here not 12hrs ago!'...two sweeps later, BANG! Beautiful white gold with a really nice monster diamond!
Local jeweler appraised it at $3000..

The Wife loved it and it fit her perfect! But I told her, "Dont get too attached to this one" I asked the Park rangers if somebody reported a loss, NO...Sure enough, about 2 weeks later, there was a mournful plea on the local CL lost and found...'Lost ring, two weeks ago at such and such beach...I know its a longshot...if you found it please call' I did...

The young couple contracted a ringfinder who was down there the very next morning, and they lead him to the spot,...but of course I was already there and gone!..:laughing:.
It is a very strange feeling I did not expect from this Sport, to be able to help people that are so distraught...I've found a lot of rings and returns, got written up in the local paper even, so although I like to think I'm a Pirate of sorts, I'm nothing but a danged old plumber pulling apples out of crappers for folks it seems!:lol: I get my blessings in other ways I suppose, in the scheme of things, being able to walk this Planet and recover the Lost is not too bad a give people hope and faith in the good side of Humanity is even tell them to 'Pay it Forward' and who knows what will happen!

All I want to do is pick up a few pennies and see some sunrises, the rest is just bycatch!


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