Nah, the earthquake itself isn't going to move the ground in a fashion that will aid md'rs. HOWEVER : If an earthquake damages old-town buildings enough, they can be condemned and slated for teardown. And then presto : You might be in-line to get some old town demolition hunting when the tractors come in and start removing foundations, exposing under-bellies, etc...

This is what happened in CA after the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. (That no doubt SeabeeRon remembers ?) : Many old homes, and a handful of oldtown district buildings were damaged beyond repair. And so during 1990 and '91, we had lots of fun old town demo's and abandoned old yards to choose from :)
Nah, the earthquake itself isn't going to move the ground in a fashion that will aid md'rs. HOWEVER : If an earthquake damages old-town buildings enough, they can be condemned and slated for teardown. And then presto : You might be in-line to get some old town demolition hunting when the tractors come in and start removing foundations, exposing under-bellies, etc...

This is what happened in CA after the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. (That no doubt SeabeeRon remembers ?) : Many old homes, and a handful of oldtown district buildings were damaged beyond repair. And so during 1990 and '91, we had lots of fun old town demo's and abandoned old yards to choose from :)
Nah, the earthquake itself isn't going to move the ground in a fashion that will aid md'rs. HOWEVER : If an earthquake damages old-town buildings enough, they can be condemned and slated for teardown. And then presto : You might be in-line to get some old town demolition hunting when the tractors come in and start removing foundations, exposing under-bellies, etc...

This is what happened in CA after the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. (That no doubt SeabeeRon remembers ?) : Many old homes, and a handful of oldtown district buildings were damaged beyond repair. And so during 1990 and '91, we had lots of fun old town demo's and abandoned old yards to choose from :)
Unfortunately I had not yet gotten into the hobby in 1989 but still working for PG&E. That was a busy time for us!
I wouldn't know. Where I'm at, it rarely ever goes below 32* freezing. Never snows, puddles rarely ever freeze over, etc... But earthquakes, on the other hand, yeah, I'm familiar with those here in CA :laughing:
Agree with you about earthquake not bringing dropped coins, and even gold nuggets up. If that was the case coins and gold nuggets could be picked by hand from the surface, considering the great number of earthquakes we go through.

I don't even believe that frozen ground moves coins up. Now if the permafrost thaws, then the whole area drops and leave a depression or hole on the surface, even a sinkhole oftentimes.
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