silver plated

  1. Wolf-Dog

    My First Silver... But it's Plated

    Sunday evening my family and I were at our chiropractor's house that was built in 1908. I had detected there once last year, but I asked if I could detect there again. I started out doing the front yard and didn't find much - a penny and the usual trash. It was 38°F outside and raining quite...
  2. Wolf-Dog

    Old Spoon Found at 1908 Property - Is it Silver?

    Sunday evening my family and I were at a friend's house that was built in 1908. Although I have detected here once in the past, I asked if I could detect around a little while. :mder: I found this in an area I detected before, but not since I got my new detector. With it was 2 nails, and I'm...
  3. F

    Hello from Tennessee!

    Hello from Tennessee! I'm Farm Girl Sally and I found this website while trying to find information about a lid made by the Sheffield Silver Company. The lid has a crack on opposite sides. I thought someone on here might be able to give me some information. I am attaching a picture. Any...
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