Stimulus Check = New Detector?

Making my stimulus check work for me. :yes: Up about $325 over the last week in stock that I put it in too. Then the plan will be to invest in some new toys to increase my treasure portfolio! :D
Nope. Saving it. Wife has reduced hours at work so keeping my money just in case we need it. I'm essential so as long as I can avoid getting sick and dying...I still get my full paychecks each month.

When this passes and if I still have the money...then it's going towards summer vacation.

Essential = Expendable

I too am essential/expendable. I've seen or heard of numerous health care workers contracting the virus and getting sick and/or dying.
Making my stimulus check work for me. :yes: Up about $325 over the last week in stock that I put it in too. Then the plan will be to invest in some new toys to increase my treasure portfolio! :D
You invested in binary ones and zeros. It’s a stimulus check meant to be spent now, in cash, to boost the economy. stocks buys aren’t helping.
welfare?..that's a long,long time on the taxpayers dime!
i'm just sayin'

I did what I said I would. Bought the lift kit for the 4Runner. Now I can get to some areas I couldn’t get to before. There’s a certain logging camp and sawmill I dented all my skid plates trying to reach last summer. 1860’s-70’s. Plus there were other well used logging camps in the area. The main camp was reported to have a 100 men working. Now the snow needs to melt!
You invested in binary ones and zeros. It’s a stimulus check meant to be spent now, in cash, to boost the economy. stocks buys aren’t helping.

True about spending it. I've purchased Thursday and Friday night carry outs for my kids and in-laws for the past 6 weeks. Just to help a couple local restaurants.

However since it was my money I sent to the government anyway, I kind of feel I'm entitled to do with it what I want to, save it or not. I will be taxed on it again as income anyway.
I can't believe how this thread ran to this many pages. Now back to the original question: I think people are reluctant to say whether they're using this money, the stimulus, to buy themselves something. I believe you should do what you want. It's yours. I ordered a Nox. I ordered it from Bart, one of our sponsors. I chose to support our dealers right here. I feel bad for those struggling to just care for their families and keep food on the table. It's got to be tough for the poor folks who lost jobs and have mortgages and cars with kids. I do feel for them. Me, I'm past all that, retired on a fixed income and my bills are not much.'s nice to have a little extra and I'm not ashamed. Well, that's my 2 zincs anyway.. Stimulus= 1 Nox and fuel oil for the big oil tank in the basement.
$1200 is a years worth of hard earned clad! It represents 12000 empty ditch cans at a dime per redemption!...or 24000 ditch cans at a nickle! Just try making that kind of money!

Free Govt cheese! Its like finding 6 14k 5gr rings without even going outside!!:laughing::laughing:
fed is in a "giving" mood! more cumin"
expensive toys are within reach!

I can't believe how this thread ran to this many pages. Now back to the original question: I think people are reluctant to say whether they're using this money, the stimulus, to buy themselves something. I believe you should do what you want. It's yours. I ordered a Nox. I ordered it from Bart, one of our sponsors. I chose to support our dealers right here. I feel bad for those struggling to just care for their families and keep food on the table. It's got to be tough for the poor folks who lost jobs and have mortgages and cars with kids. I do feel for them. Me, I'm past all that, retired on a fixed income and my bills are not much.'s nice to have a little extra and I'm not ashamed. Well, that's my 2 zincs anyway.. Stimulus= 1 Nox and fuel oil for the big oil tank in the basement.

why should you feel guilt? you worked for years to put money in the fed's coffers
you should feel ashamed?..ehe! heh! he! you paid your fair share, and so have millions of others if they want to give some of your money back to help the people in a crisis..i say why not?..expensive toys are in reach!

why should you feel guilt? you worked for years to put money in the fed's coffers
you should feel ashamed?..ehe! heh! he! you paid your fair share, and so have millions of others if they want to give some of your money back to help the people in a crisis..i say why not?..expensive toys are in reach!


For the hard working , tax paying Americans who have been paying into the kitty , NONE should feel guilty of taking some out. Here is where THE KOB is NOT proud of saying he's a Californian : Our governor this last week asked state employees to take a 10% pay cut. At the same time started issuing checks to the tune of some $100 million dollars to ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS to help them in these difficult times. THE KOB is ashamed.😥
$1200 is a years worth of hard earned clad! It represents 12000 empty ditch cans at a dime per redemption!...or 24000 ditch cans at a nickle! Just try making that kind of money!

Free Govt cheese! Its like finding 6 14k 5gr rings without even going outside!!:laughing::laughing:

So can you still turn in plastic bottles and cans? We can't here too risky are what we are told...
For the hard working , tax paying Americans who have been paying into the kitty , NONE should feel guilty of taking some out. Here is where THE KOB is NOT proud of saying he's a Californian : Our governor this last week asked state employees to take a 10% pay cut. At the same time started issuing checks to the tune of some $100 million dollars to ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS to help them in these difficult times. THE KOB is ashamed.😥

i can certainly understand how you feel about that! it's exactly WHY the immigrant laws NEED to be reformed! what is this? "ya jump the fence" and get rewarded for it? what lunacy! the tax payer subsidizing criminal activity! only in
america! ..i'm just sayin'

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